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Thursday, April 3, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Ender's Game- Significant Passage

It might be weird, but there are a lot of passages that were significant to me and I wiil like to introduce one of the passages that was significant which is the scene when Bonzo and other friends tried to kill Ender when Ender was showering.
'Ender stepped back, flipped the showerhead so it turned outward, and turned on pure hot water. Almost at once the steam began to rise. He turned on the next, and the next. "I'm not afriad of hot water," said Bonzo. His voice was soft. But it wasn't the hot water that ender wanted. It was the heat. His body still had soap on it, and his sweat moistened it, made his skin more slippery than Bonzo would expect. Suddenlt therer was a voice from the door. "Stop it!" the fight, but it was onlt Dink Meeker. Bonzo's friends caught him at the door, held him. "Stop it, Bonzo!" Dink cried. "Don't hurt him!" "Why not?" asked Bonzo, and for the first time he smiled. Ah, thought Ender, he loves to have someone recognize that he is the one in control, that he has power.."Because he's the best, that's why! Who else can fight the buggers! That's what matters, you fool, the buggers!"'
This passage was significant for me because it gives me two meaningful messages to me. The first one is that by the strength and courages of what Ender did, it made me new. If I were in situation like Ender, I would freak out and be beggin to save my life and that I would not win the game anymore. However, unlike me, Ender turned on the hot water toward Bonzo and didn't show his fear to Bonzo eventhough he was. By this, I thought that "I should have a courage like Ender had", maybe then, I could also be like Ender. The second message was that was meaningful was by looking and the action that Dink did. Eventhough, Ender was almost losing and there were a lot of people in Bonzo's side, Dink showed his friendship toward Ender. Dink didn't care about his life but cared about Ender's life and this showed me about the true meaning of friendship. If I were Dink, I would be terrified of what Bonzo was doing to Ender and would escape from that place. However, Dink tried to save Ender from Bonzo eventhough Bonzo's side a lot more people than Ender had. By this, I was able to know the ture meaning of friendship that a friendship is just not about how close you are with your friend but it is how much you care about the friend. I wish someday, I will have the strength of Ender and the kindness of Dink.
Ender's Game- Setting

'He walked the short bridge to the door in the shuttle. He noticed that the wall to his right was carpeted like a floor. that was wherer the disorientation began. The moment he thought of the wall as a floor, he began to feel like he was walking on a wall. he got to the ladder, and noticed that the vertical surface behind it was also carpeted. I am climbing up the floor. Hand over hand, stpe by step......'(p. 29)
I have found out that the setting of the Battle room was interesting and memorable. The gravity of the battle room was totally different from where Ender used to lived. to say the truth, it was really hard for me to understand what Ender was doing when he was in the battle room and was trying to experience new things that other students didn't do. Although, I didn't get what Ender was exactly doing, the setting that was described in the book was interesting for the place was totally different from the place where Ender was living, where I was living. When I was reading this part, it made me imagine this room that was all covered up with blue couchy cushions and the each enemy's goal (the gate) was in a transparent plastic. Like this, the setting that was descirbing the battle room made me imagine a lot of stuffs which was a great fun to me. Because I wasn't sure how exactly the room looked like, I enjoyed imagining the sturture and the desgin of the battle room; therefore, setting of the battle room is significant to me.
Ender's Game- Climax

For every book, climax is the best part to read! In "Ender's Game", I believe that the climax part was when Ender had his Third Invasion as he thought it was just a final exam. To explain more, as a student in the Commader School, he completed his responsible as a student and had his only final exam left. When he was in Commader School, he had a training with other players who he had met in the Battle School and Ender would play the role as a commander. It depended on by the final exam if whether or not Ender will graduate the school. And if he did, he would be the first student to actually graduate the school. The battle for the final exam was difficult for Ender had never experienced it before, but he successfully wins the game by exploding. After his final exam, every one who was looking at his battle were cheering and congradulated Ender. Later, Ender found out that it wasn't a final exam but it was the actual Third Invasion. Bravo, for Ender! He was now completed with his role which was saving the world by winning the Third Invasion. It was interesting to read this part becasue I also didn't know the final exam for Ender would be the actual Third Invasion. Before the Third Invasion, I mean, before Graff told Ender that this would be the final exam, I thought that actually there might be no Third Invasion coming up for it never came out when the book was almost ending. However, as I found out that it was, I was in a great shock and suprised. I liked the way how author didn't directly tell the readers how Ender succeed in the Third Invasion but made a small twist to it. It was the most fascinating part to read because I was able to see the deep and serious connection between the players who were actually playing in the Third Invasion; however, the book ended without strong impression or with happiness.
Ender's Game- Mood

Is the all dystopian world depressing and frustrating? Well, this book was. The mood of "Ender's Game" was depressed, frustrated, and tensed. I was able to see that this book was depressing by looking at the world where Ender lives. It seemed no one was having a happy and enjoyable time living compared to the world where I live. Every one just wanted to triumph the Thrid Invasion rather than living with joy. Also, you could see the mood of frustrate by looking at Ender's action and expacially, when he was in the Battle School. He had a hard time being isolated, getting ignored by other commanders, and being the best out of the school. He frequently had bad dreams and also, because of his talents, he went into a fight with Bonzo, which caused to death. The whole pressure that he got from the school was just too much for him. While Ender was frustrated with his whole life where he HAS to be 'the one', he also enjoyed the battle that he had with other groups in the battle room. And you could see the mood of tense in the battle room. In everyone's mind who were playing the battle thought about 'winning'. There couldn't be any mistakes done or happen, you got to freeze other players, and most importantly, you had to win; therefore, it is impossible to not see the tension between the players and commanders. Unlikely with the book, "Faherenheit 451", "Ender's Game" had a slightly different mood for each chapters for something interesting and unpredictable things happened. However, "Faherenheit 451" had just one simple mood such as depressing, gloomy, and sad..which makes me think that "Ender's Game" more sepcial and fun!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Ender's Game- Entry of My Choice

For my first book, I chose “Fahrenheit 451” and for my second book, I chose to read “Ender’s Game.” It was hard for me to choose my second book because I really didn’t want to read books more after the blogging. Whatsoever, because I had to, I had decided to choose the book that I randomly grab. However, because of the recommendation of the librarian, I chose to read “Ender’s Game”! When I was having a hard time selecting a book between those other six books, the book cover of Ender’s Game looked interesting which made me want to read it. It looked funny and ironic but also it looked easy between the other books. Moreover, by the recommendation of the librarian, I decided to choose “Ender’s Game.” I really didn't ‘think’ and chose the book for I was depressed of how I had to choose a book, but I was more into the librarian’s recommendation for she told me that this book is the best among the others. Believe it or not, it really was!! I really enjoyed reading the book, “Harry Potter” and because of that, I also enjoyed reading “Ender’s Game” too for they were quite similar. Also, in the beginning of each chapter, there is a dialogue between two or more characters talking about Ender which is very unique and interesting to read. At first, I got annoyed with it for I didn't know which person was talking to whom or what they were talking but, later on, it made all sence!Because I like to read this kind of “Heroic” book, I read this book as if I was drunk into it. Overall, the book was totally MY STYLE but it was kind of hard for me to read it because it talked about this whole science things that I really had a hard time understanding them. Except for that, I really~ enjoyed reading this book even though Ms. Nelson, she won't agree!
Ender's Game- Characters

There are a lot of characters involved in this book but the main characters will be Ender, Valentine, Peter, and Colonel Graff. Each character has different personalities and characteristics which make this book more interesting and Ender would be the best example.
Ender is the character that the story is based on and he is six years old when he first attends to the Battle School. He is believed as this ‘chosen one’ who would save the world from the buggers at the Third Invasion which makes his life troublesome and difficult. Because of his talented skills, he has hardships in Battle School which causes Ender to feel isolated and lonely. In this book, Ender shows two very different personalities which are the evil sides of him such as hitting that caused killing and the kind side of him such as trying to have friends and feeling bad when he does mean stuffs even though he does not want to do it. I personally like the character Ender for he has interesting personalities which makes him more special. I also liked the way of how he is the ‘chosen one’ and more intelligent from all of the geniuses. It was curious and interesting to look all the process that Ender overcomes and finally becomes the true hero for his world. He had many obstacles that made Ender in difficult situations such as Stilson, Peter, Bonzo, and the emotions that he couldn’t control himself. I felt very bad for Ender whenever he was getting tortured from someone eventhough Ender didn't really do something bad. Like this, it is quite obvious that every hero has some hardships in their life, but Ender’s hardships were interesting to see which made me want to continue reading the book on and on. The most unique part of Ender was that he looked strong and brave but inside of him was different. He was having a hard time such as having bad dreams like comparing himself and Peter and realizing that he is becoming like Peter. It made me feel very sad for Ender of how he has to save the world and has to be isolated from his peers so that he could be the hero even though he does not want to. Ender could be represented as ‘us.’ It shows that we somehow have talents inside ourselves and by showing it; we can also be a hero like Ender is.
When Ender was having a hard time dealing with Peter, Valentine was the one who would always be with Ender. Valentine is Ender’s older sister who loves and cares Ender. To Ender, Valentine would be more precious person than his parents for Valentine, I mean the most precious person who will be always protecting him and helping him. Valentine has the personality of being calm and gentle when she is also intelligent. It was hard for Valentine to be with Ender when she noticed that she was helping Peter when she shouldn’t be. I am not quite sure if I like this character because there is nothing particularly special about Valentine compared to other characters. Valentine is too kind and nice to everyone (except for Peter) and it would have been more fascinating book if Valentine also joined into the Battle School; although, she couldn’t because she had too nice personality which would be hard for her to survive in Battle School.
Peter. One of the character who has the most evilness inside of his heart. It could be said that his hobby would be bothering and torturing Ender. The whole point of bothering Ender was because Peter was just too jealous of how Ender was better, smarter, and talented compared to himself. The book throughly describes of how Peter acutaully tortures Ender and whenever I read this part, I feel like my heart breaking up. It's so crucial to see of how Peter totures Ender and it seemed like as if Peter REALLY meant to kill Ender. If I were Ender, I would be like so killing Peter up by becoming an one team with Valentine for Valentine knows how serious Peter wants to kill Ender. I personally do not like Peter's personality but I think it was quite interesting seeing how Ender consistently compares himself with Peter when he is in the Battle School. I was able to see how much Ender disliked Peter from the scene when Valentine and Ender met before Ender went to the Commander School. How would it feel like to get tortured from your siblings and how would it feel like to be the one to torture your sibling?
The main reason why Ender had to go to the Battle School, suffer hardships, and become isolated was because of Colonel Graff. Colonel Graff is the one in charge of the Battle school and he was the one who was eager to make Ender to be the acutual 'one.' Although, that Ender didn't like Colonel Graff for he was giving Ender too much pressure, Ender just gave up of himself and decided to be the hero so that Colonel Graff would stop annoy him anymore. I have no feeling towards Colonel Graff. I'm not sure if I like him or whether not. It' s just interesting to see how Colonel Graff belived that Ender is the true one. Eventhough, Ender didn't like Colonel Graff for he gave too much stress to Ender, if would have felt good and pleased of how Colonel Graff believed in Ender. If I were Ender, I would be gald to be a hero for whole world, although, I wouldn't enjoy being isolated.
The main reason why Ender had to go to the Battle School, suffer hardships, and become isolated was because of Colonel Graff. Colonel Graff is the one in charge of the Battle school and he was the one who was eager to make Ender to be the acutual 'one.' Although, that Ender didn't like Colonel Graff for he was giving Ender too much pressure, Ender just gave up of himself and decided to be the hero so that Colonel Graff would stop annoy him anymore. I have no feeling towards Colonel Graff. I'm not sure if I like him or whether not. It' s just interesting to see how Colonel Graff belived that Ender is the true one. Eventhough, Ender didn't like Colonel Graff for he gave too much stress to Ender, if would have felt good and pleased of how Colonel Graff believed in Ender. If I were Ender, I would be gald to be a hero for whole world, although, I wouldn't enjoy being isolated.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Entry #3: Venus(Aphrodite)

I will like to have the qualities that Aphrodite has who is the goddess of beuty of love. The reason why I would like to have the qualities that Aphrodite has is because the qualities that Aphrodite has is 'beuty.' Because Aphrodite is naturally pretty and attractive, she won't be struggling with her out look. Even Zeus first saw Aphrodite, he was attarcted to her. If I were Aphrodite, I could have the beuty like Aphrodite has. Imagine all people falling in love with me^^, of course, I will have a difficultly but I think it will be really fun and stimulating. It's like being the most prettiest woman in the whole wide world!! Not only me, I bet entire woman in the earth wants to be as pretty as they can be and if I could just have the qulities that Aphrodite has, I won't have to be worrying about my out look appearance. Although I want Aphrodite's beuty, I wouldn't really want to have the kind of personality that she has-such as being jealous with other girls, eventhough you are the most prettiest person from the whole world.
Citation: <http://www.accommodationinrome.com/images/venus_original.jpg>
Entry #2: Sphinx

Entry #2: Greek Monsters- Sphinx
The name of Sphinx means the 'strangler', a female moster. Sphinx is a greek monster that has head of woman, the shape of paws, claws, and breasts of lion, and the serpent's tail with eagle wings. The myth of the Sphinx was that Sphinx's role was guarding the entrance to a specific area such as Greek city of Thebes and ask riddle to travelers. If the travelers do not answer the riddle correctly, Sphinx will kill the travelers. In the other hand, if the travelers answers it in correct form, they are allowed to pass the entrance. The riddle that Sphinx will ask travelers would be "what is it that crawls on all fours as a baby, then walks on two feet as an adult, and wlaks with a cane in old age." All the travelers suffered death for they weren't able to solve the riddle until Oedipus. Oedipus was the only man who answered it correctly and because Sphinx got shocked that Oedipus acutually solved the riddle, Sphinx threw herself from the high rock and died. However, there are the sculptures of Sphinx in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece.
<http://images.google.co.kr/imgres?imgurl=http://www.ancientworlds.net/aworlds_media/ibase_1/00/08/58/00085833_000.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ancientworlds.net/aw/Article/678363&h=383&w=321&sz=41&hl=ko&start=62&um=1&tbnid=yDOaGmdTaFVcLM:&tbnh=123&tbnw=103&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsphinx%26start%3D60%26ndsp%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dko%26newwindow%3D1%26rlz%3D1T4GFRC_koKR218KR218%26sa%3DN>-info.: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphinx>
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Entry #1. Venus(Aphrodite)

Venus who is also called as an Aphrodite who is goddess of beuty and love. There are two myth of how Venus was born. The first myth is that she was born from Thalassa and Zeus, but it is more comonly known that Venus was born from the island of Cytheria. Cytherea is an island and Venus came out from the sea that is near the Cytherea island and when she came out, because she was extremly beautiful she attracted other gods. So, as soon as she came our from the sea, she became one of the 12 god and goddess representing the goddess of beuty and love. Also, Venus is the wife of Hephaestus who is also one of the god and Venus has a son named Eros who shoots an arrow that makes fall in love. I'd rather say that Venus and Hercules have more difference than similarities. To compare those two, there are different gender. Also, when Venus can be drawn or known as weak and pretty, Hercules is drawn and known as with a muscular and with his strength. The similiar part that they both have is that Hercules was born as a god and Venus was also born as a goddess. The only different part of this would be that Hercules became mortal when Venus lived as an immortal.
Her personality will be described as a goddess who easily gets jelous. There is also a one story that relates to her jelousness which is about Psyche who is an extremly beutiful mortal woman. Eventhough, Venus was married to Hephaestus, she was in love with Ares which shows that she doesn't really like care about her husband and the personality of being a slut. As you can see, the story of Hercules and Venus doesn't realate or similiar to each other. When the story of Hercules is about being a true to become a god, the Venus' story is about the her jealous of others beuty.
-info.: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphrodite>
Monday, March 3, 2008
The Comments
1 comment for Joanne
1 comment for Arial
1 comment for Danielle
1 comment for Kathie
1 comment for Eunice
1 comment for Abby
2 comment for Susie
2 comment for Jane
-total of 10 comments ^^
1 comment for Arial
1 comment for Danielle
1 comment for Kathie
1 comment for Eunice
1 comment for Abby
2 comment for Susie
2 comment for Jane
-total of 10 comments ^^
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Entry of My Choice

When I came into the library to choose a book, in my memory, I think there where 5 to 6 books that I could chose. So why did I chose to read "Fahrenehit 451?" There is no typical reason for this but I chose to read this book because from all of the other books, this book the most powerful and strong color which attracted my eyes. "Fahrenheit 451"...what would that mean? As you can see, if you pick this book up the first thing you would see is the title. The book of this title made me curious about this book and I could see that right below the title, there was small words written '...The temperature at which books burn.' Isn' t that curious? Well, at least it drew my attention!
When I choose a book to read it is important for me to choose a book that is very interesting to read or else, I get bored and exhausted of it which causes me to quit reading it. Therefore, when I choose a book, the first thing I do is reading the title, and then looking at the first page. If you see the first page of this book, it starts with ""It was a pleasure to burn." Now, that really drew my attention to the book. This book just didn't start with this lame words like introducing the main character, it started out with this curious words that you wouldn't understand. The "curiosity" made me want to read this book and overall, I feel that this book was quite good to read. There are acutually some parts that are boring, but overall story of this book was interesting to me. So, if you haven't decide what to read for your second book, try reading "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury!!
The Passage

*Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Wht is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.
The passage: <.....Then she seemed to remember something and came back to look at him with wonder and curiosity. "Are you happy?" she said. "Am I what?" he cried. But she was gone-running in the moonlight. Her front door shut gently. "Happy! Of all the nonsense." He stopped laughing. He put his hand into the glove hole of his front door and let it know his touch. The front door slid open. Of course I'm happy. What does she think? I'm not? he asked the quiet rooms. He stood looking up at the ventilator grille in the hall and suddenly remembered that something lay hidden behind the grille, something that seemed to peer down at him now. He moved his eyes quickly away.>-page. 10
This passage is when Montag and Clarrise meets for their frist time. As Clarrise goes back to her home, she asks if Montag is happy. This passage that I have chosen was significant to me. It's not only that it was significant, I liked the way how the passage was written and how the story continued and all those stuff. In this book, the best part I think was when Montag met Clarisse. It was the most interesting part that I read and that is why I have chosen this passage. From the whole conversation between Montag and Clarisse, I chose this part because it talked about the true meaning of "happiness." Montag never realized that he wasn't acutually happy before meeting this special girl Clarisse but this was the time when Montag acutually really asked himself if he was. Like Montag, I never thought if I was happy right now. However, by reading this part, it made me also think if I am happy and glad of my situation right now-yes, I am. Compared to Montag's situation I should be happy. I am happy that I have God that I can rely on, family, friends, and including teachers. Not only this passage made me think about myself, I just liked the way how Montag talked to himself and questioning. When I saw others postings, I found out that most of the people who read this book didn't like Ray Bradbury's style. But not me, it is true that this book was quite boring, but I just liked the style of Ray Bradbury's because it made me curious about the book as I keep read it through and I don't know..it's just that this book made me become interested into this book!!
The Climax
*What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?
I am not sure of where exactly the climax is but I think it is the part when Montag finally realizes that the way how the world is going on in his world is totally wrong; therefore, I think the climax is when Montag is chased over from the people. Because Montag realizes that it is just not right of how people are not allow to think or read, he turn upon his world. As Montag tries to get closer to books and keeps questioning himself, Captain Beatty decides to stop Montag. The news of Montag spreads all over the world which causes everybody search for Montag to arrest him. This is the part when I felt very nervous and excited for it was a dangerous sitation for Montag. It also made me to think this part as one scene of a movie like all the lights from the helicopters are finding for Montag and Montag running with bag on his back to save his life. I wondered what would happen to Montag when he was getting chased and when I found out that Montag went to a forest where he found people like him, I was quite dissapointed. I was dissapointed because I hoped something interesting and different thing to happen to Montag but when I found that the book ended by Montag going to the forest, I felt quite bored. Anyways, I liked the climax part of this book (wherever it is,) for I could imagine in my head!
I am not sure of where exactly the climax is but I think it is the part when Montag finally realizes that the way how the world is going on in his world is totally wrong; therefore, I think the climax is when Montag is chased over from the people. Because Montag realizes that it is just not right of how people are not allow to think or read, he turn upon his world. As Montag tries to get closer to books and keeps questioning himself, Captain Beatty decides to stop Montag. The news of Montag spreads all over the world which causes everybody search for Montag to arrest him. This is the part when I felt very nervous and excited for it was a dangerous sitation for Montag. It also made me to think this part as one scene of a movie like all the lights from the helicopters are finding for Montag and Montag running with bag on his back to save his life. I wondered what would happen to Montag when he was getting chased and when I found out that Montag went to a forest where he found people like him, I was quite dissapointed. I was dissapointed because I hoped something interesting and different thing to happen to Montag but when I found that the book ended by Montag going to the forest, I felt quite bored. Anyways, I liked the climax part of this book (wherever it is,) for I could imagine in my head!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Mood

I believe that this book has a sad, depressing, gloomy mood. To show you an example of the depressing part, it is hard to point out for there were too many!! It was hard for me to find happiness in this book for Montag's situation wasn't in a good way. When he didn't get chase, he simply had no feeling and emotions and when he begin to have emtions and thoughts, he was chased by a Hound which I felt very bad for Montag. Not only that, if you see how Mildred who is the wife of Montag's was, you might be able to see how serious the world was where Montag was living. All the things that Mildred does in her house is to watch T.V. To me, the most sad part of this story was when Montag and Mildred didn't have any deep emotions to each other. Later in the book, it is said that Montag didn't really care about Mildred if she was died or not which Montag himself also felt awkward about it. In the world that I am living, people get marry when they truly love each other and when I saw how the relationship between Montag and Mildred was, I was quite shocked for the way how they thought about each other was opposite from how the people who are married should think about each other. Overall, I think the most sad part for me was when Montag had to experience all those hardships that were happening to him. I believe, there is a mood when it becomes bright and happier and I found it that part is when Montag gets to meet Clarisse. As Montag meets this mysterious girl, he gets to expreience different things in different eyesight. To conclude, I didn't really enjoy the book because it had a melancholy and depressing mood.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The Theme

*What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2008?
I'm not quite sure...but I think thhe theme of this novel is about "books". In this book,"Fahrenhiet 451", the story tells about this one character trying to rescue his world from discovering about books. Montag never realized that book could actually make him happier and make him "think." It is hard for me to tell what exactly the major theme of this novel is but could it be 'The different point-of-view that people see about books'? Because nowdays, there are a lot of medias to experience, you can see that there are many people who enjoy watching television or doing Internet rather than reading books. There are acutaully people who enjoy reading books and feels very friendly with books but I'd rather say, there are much more people who dislike to read books. Montag also has changed his point-of-view of seeing books. I feel that Bradbury wanted to show the readers how he feels about the current situation of the world. Moreover, I will like to compare the theme of this novel to the current situations how teenagers live.
As the technology have developed, there's a lot of things to experience such as watching television programs, doing and searching Internet, or playing games. Including me also, you might feel that you avoid to read. Eventhough you read, I bet you are reading it becuase you are forced to read it. Thesedays, it is very uncommon to find teenagers holding a book to read. You might find teenagers complaing about reading books therefore, I belive that this book will be a very good book for these kind of teenagers who feels uncomfortable with reading books.
As the technology have developed, there's a lot of things to experience such as watching television programs, doing and searching Internet, or playing games. Including me also, you might feel that you avoid to read. Eventhough you read, I bet you are reading it becuase you are forced to read it. Thesedays, it is very uncommon to find teenagers holding a book to read. You might find teenagers complaing about reading books therefore, I belive that this book will be a very good book for these kind of teenagers who feels uncomfortable with reading books.
For example, for me, this book made me feel ashmed of myself for I dislike to read books unless it is very fun or interesting to read. While I was reading this book, I felt really sorry for Montag, who really wanted to read books but couldn't when the world I am living is freely allowed to read books. As you can see, this book made me an opportunity to think about reading books. The book of this theme is important to a teenagers living in 2008 for they it might change their looking of books as it have changed me of seeing books.
How do YOU feel about reading books? Why don't you read "Fahrenheit 451" and change your thought of reading books?:)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
The Main Characters

*Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? what do thery reveal about the universla humana experience?
There are Guy Montag, Clarisse McClellan, Mildred Montag, Captain Beatty, Faber, and Granger. Although the book was quite confusing for me (and somtimes boring), because this book had a lot of interesting characters, it drew my attention.
To talk about each character, Montag is a person who has a job as a fireman and as a fireman, his job is to burn books. Montag enjoys burning books and feels very proud of him before he gets to meet this girl who seems to be living in totally different place, Clarisse McClellan. After meeting Clarisse, Montag continuously asks himself if he is happy of how he is living. The chance of meeting Clarisse makes Montag totally different person and he really starts to “think” and “question” about everything that is happening around him. As the book continues, you could notice that he tries to find why people started to burn book and eagers to learn about books. During his journey, he notices that he is living in a wrong position where you are not allowed to read books which make him want to change the world’s mind of thinking about books. I really enjoy looking at how Montag starts to change his life. His personality of trying to find something is so adventures which makes me really interesting to Montag. Also, it was interesting that Montag and I had so different personality of thinking about books when I dislike about books and Montag is extremely eager to read book. In Montag’s life, Clarisse is a very special person to Montga for she completely changed his mind. These days, it actually seems like books are not doing its worth, for many children and teenagers enjoy doing Internet and computer rather than reading books. This book will be a great book for those people who has no interest in books!
As I have mentioned Clarisse McClellan before, she is a beautiful girl who is a unique person that changes Montag's mind. She experiences differnet things such as sticking out her tongue for rain and asking to Montag if he is happy. You can see that Clarisse seems to be living in a very different place from where Montag is living. When the relationship between Montag and his wife are very gloomy, Clarisse and her family always laugh with happiness which makes Montag want to know about that family more. Unfortunately, in the book, Clarisse does not appear, though she was my favorite character among the other characters. Because she had a differnet point-of-view of thinking about books and all those things, I was really interested in her. The way how she talks and acts are ridiculous but unique in an attractive way. One thing that dissapointed me about this book was that Clarisse wasn't mentioned in the book later. I feel that it would have been more interesting if Montag and Clarisse worked out together from saving books!
To be honest, there is no such interesting thing about Mildred Montag who is the wife of Guy Montag. Her daily life is to watch T.V, sleep, and take pills. She didn't really care of what Montag thought about but she was also proud of her husband's job. When Mildred first found out that Montag was hiding a book from Beatty Captain, she feels very anxious and anger about it. I actually didn't really like Mildred for there was nothing typically interesting about her, but it was fun to read the part when she tried to let Montag stop from reading books. I felt really bad for Montag when she ditched him and called the fireman to their house so that they can burn the books. I think that Mildred represents as nowdays teenagers who has no interest in books but live with T.V. It was wierd because it seemed like Mildred and I had a similar personlity!
Captain Beatty, who is the captain of the firemen. He is a person who tries to block Montag from getting interested in books. Eventhough Captain Beatty explains all the history of firemen and how books started to be burned, Montag simply has no interest to it. It also seemed Captian Beatty was reading Montag's mind the whole time. I like this character for he is the character who distracts Montag form getting closer to the book. For me, the whole fun of reading book it to see how the bad person tries to annoy the good and kind person. Captain Beatty represents the computer,T.V, and the internet that tries to make teengers get far from books.
Faber, the character who's job was professor is a character who helps Montag from reading books and understand it. He is also a man like Montag, who loves books and wants to know more about it. I wasn't quite interested in this character for it was so obvious that there will be a character "helping" the main character from reaching the goal. But I liked the calm personality of Faber unlike Captain Beatty. Oh! it was also interesting when Faber and Montag planned and discussed about their plan.
Finally, for the last main character of this book, Granger! Granger is a character that Montag met when he escaped from the place where everybody was trying to arrest him. Montag also gets to meet this group of people where people share their memories of books and save it into their head. These group of people's whole hope is to write books again after the war ends. I didn't like that much with Granger for he came out in the book for a short time. But it was an interesting group, for they have this memories of books and share it which made it seemed to be a right group for Montag. This group of people including Faber, can be represented as people who enjoy reading books. Because it is more common to find people who enjoy wathcing television than reading books; therefore, I think it made this group more interesting!!
There are Guy Montag, Clarisse McClellan, Mildred Montag, Captain Beatty, Faber, and Granger. Although the book was quite confusing for me (and somtimes boring), because this book had a lot of interesting characters, it drew my attention.
To talk about each character, Montag is a person who has a job as a fireman and as a fireman, his job is to burn books. Montag enjoys burning books and feels very proud of him before he gets to meet this girl who seems to be living in totally different place, Clarisse McClellan. After meeting Clarisse, Montag continuously asks himself if he is happy of how he is living. The chance of meeting Clarisse makes Montag totally different person and he really starts to “think” and “question” about everything that is happening around him. As the book continues, you could notice that he tries to find why people started to burn book and eagers to learn about books. During his journey, he notices that he is living in a wrong position where you are not allowed to read books which make him want to change the world’s mind of thinking about books. I really enjoy looking at how Montag starts to change his life. His personality of trying to find something is so adventures which makes me really interesting to Montag. Also, it was interesting that Montag and I had so different personality of thinking about books when I dislike about books and Montag is extremely eager to read book. In Montag’s life, Clarisse is a very special person to Montga for she completely changed his mind. These days, it actually seems like books are not doing its worth, for many children and teenagers enjoy doing Internet and computer rather than reading books. This book will be a great book for those people who has no interest in books!
As I have mentioned Clarisse McClellan before, she is a beautiful girl who is a unique person that changes Montag's mind. She experiences differnet things such as sticking out her tongue for rain and asking to Montag if he is happy. You can see that Clarisse seems to be living in a very different place from where Montag is living. When the relationship between Montag and his wife are very gloomy, Clarisse and her family always laugh with happiness which makes Montag want to know about that family more. Unfortunately, in the book, Clarisse does not appear, though she was my favorite character among the other characters. Because she had a differnet point-of-view of thinking about books and all those things, I was really interested in her. The way how she talks and acts are ridiculous but unique in an attractive way. One thing that dissapointed me about this book was that Clarisse wasn't mentioned in the book later. I feel that it would have been more interesting if Montag and Clarisse worked out together from saving books!
To be honest, there is no such interesting thing about Mildred Montag who is the wife of Guy Montag. Her daily life is to watch T.V, sleep, and take pills. She didn't really care of what Montag thought about but she was also proud of her husband's job. When Mildred first found out that Montag was hiding a book from Beatty Captain, she feels very anxious and anger about it. I actually didn't really like Mildred for there was nothing typically interesting about her, but it was fun to read the part when she tried to let Montag stop from reading books. I felt really bad for Montag when she ditched him and called the fireman to their house so that they can burn the books. I think that Mildred represents as nowdays teenagers who has no interest in books but live with T.V. It was wierd because it seemed like Mildred and I had a similar personlity!
Captain Beatty, who is the captain of the firemen. He is a person who tries to block Montag from getting interested in books. Eventhough Captain Beatty explains all the history of firemen and how books started to be burned, Montag simply has no interest to it. It also seemed Captian Beatty was reading Montag's mind the whole time. I like this character for he is the character who distracts Montag form getting closer to the book. For me, the whole fun of reading book it to see how the bad person tries to annoy the good and kind person. Captain Beatty represents the computer,T.V, and the internet that tries to make teengers get far from books.
Faber, the character who's job was professor is a character who helps Montag from reading books and understand it. He is also a man like Montag, who loves books and wants to know more about it. I wasn't quite interested in this character for it was so obvious that there will be a character "helping" the main character from reaching the goal. But I liked the calm personality of Faber unlike Captain Beatty. Oh! it was also interesting when Faber and Montag planned and discussed about their plan.
Finally, for the last main character of this book, Granger! Granger is a character that Montag met when he escaped from the place where everybody was trying to arrest him. Montag also gets to meet this group of people where people share their memories of books and save it into their head. These group of people's whole hope is to write books again after the war ends. I didn't like that much with Granger for he came out in the book for a short time. But it was an interesting group, for they have this memories of books and share it which made it seemed to be a right group for Montag. This group of people including Faber, can be represented as people who enjoy reading books. Because it is more common to find people who enjoy wathcing television than reading books; therefore, I think it made this group more interesting!!
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