Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ender's Game- Significant Passage

*Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

It might be weird, but there are a lot of passages that were significant to me and I wiil like to introduce one of the passages that was significant which is the scene when Bonzo and other friends tried to kill Ender when Ender was showering.

'Ender stepped back, flipped the showerhead so it turned outward, and turned on pure hot water. Almost at once the steam began to rise. He turned on the next, and the next. "I'm not afriad of hot water," said Bonzo. His voice was soft. But it wasn't the hot water that ender wanted. It was the heat. His body still had soap on it, and his sweat moistened it, made his skin more slippery than Bonzo would expect. Suddenlt therer was a voice from the door. "Stop it!" the fight, but it was onlt Dink Meeker. Bonzo's friends caught him at the door, held him. "Stop it, Bonzo!" Dink cried. "Don't hurt him!" "Why not?" asked Bonzo, and for the first time he smiled. Ah, thought Ender, he loves to have someone recognize that he is the one in control, that he has power.."Because he's the best, that's why! Who else can fight the buggers! That's what matters, you fool, the buggers!"'
This passage was significant for me because it gives me two meaningful messages to me. The first one is that by the strength and courages of what Ender did, it made me new. If I were in situation like Ender, I would freak out and be beggin to save my life and that I would not win the game anymore. However, unlike me, Ender turned on the hot water toward Bonzo and didn't show his fear to Bonzo eventhough he was. By this, I thought that "I should have a courage like Ender had", maybe then, I could also be like Ender. The second message was that was meaningful was by looking and the action that Dink did. Eventhough, Ender was almost losing and there were a lot of people in Bonzo's side, Dink showed his friendship toward Ender. Dink didn't care about his life but cared about Ender's life and this showed me about the true meaning of friendship. If I were Dink, I would be terrified of what Bonzo was doing to Ender and would escape from that place. However, Dink tried to save Ender from Bonzo eventhough Bonzo's side a lot more people than Ender had. By this, I was able to know the ture meaning of friendship that a friendship is just not about how close you are with your friend but it is how much you care about the friend. I wish someday, I will have the strength of Ender and the kindness of Dink.

1 comment:

Abby Moimoi said...

When I first read your passage you had chosen I was really confused. I couldn’t really see why it was significant. But now I read your most I could see why.
I already had realized that Ender was brave during this situation, but I never realized how Dink stood up for him. Just like you said, Dink showed his true friendship for Ender, when he stood up for him, even though he was out numbered. I want to be a friend like Dink. Good job, you though really deeply about this post! ;)