Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ender's Game- Climax

*What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?
For every book, climax is the best part to read! In "Ender's Game", I believe that the climax part was when Ender had his Third Invasion as he thought it was just a final exam. To explain more, as a student in the Commader School, he completed his responsible as a student and had his only final exam left. When he was in Commader School, he had a training with other players who he had met in the Battle School and Ender would play the role as a commander. It depended on by the final exam if whether or not Ender will graduate the school. And if he did, he would be the first student to actually graduate the school. The battle for the final exam was difficult for Ender had never experienced it before, but he successfully wins the game by exploding. After his final exam, every one who was looking at his battle were cheering and congradulated Ender. Later, Ender found out that it wasn't a final exam but it was the actual Third Invasion. Bravo, for Ender! He was now completed with his role which was saving the world by winning the Third Invasion. It was interesting to read this part becasue I also didn't know the final exam for Ender would be the actual Third Invasion. Before the Third Invasion, I mean, before Graff told Ender that this would be the final exam, I thought that actually there might be no Third Invasion coming up for it never came out when the book was almost ending. However, as I found out that it was, I was in a great shock and suprised. I liked the way how author didn't directly tell the readers how Ender succeed in the Third Invasion but made a small twist to it. It was the most fascinating part to read because I was able to see the deep and serious connection between the players who were actually playing in the Third Invasion; however, the book ended without strong impression or with happiness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with your climax. I think the 'Third Invasion' part is the climax too. He thought that this is just a final exam (as you wrote). However it turnded out that it is real Third Invasion. I was so shock when I read the part where it said that it was real. If he really won, then that means he is really good at this. Not only good best out of all the commenders. He would be the first one to graduate, and he fought with the 'buggers' by himself. Anyways,,,goooood jooooob