Is the all dystopian world depressing and frustrating? Well, this book was. The mood of "Ender's Game" was depressed, frustrated, and tensed. I was able to see that this book was depressing by looking at the world where Ender lives. It seemed no one was having a happy and enjoyable time living compared to the world where I live. Every one just wanted to triumph the Thrid Invasion rather than living with joy. Also, you could see the mood of frustrate by looking at Ender's action and expacially, when he was in the Battle School. He had a hard time being isolated, getting ignored by other commanders, and being the best out of the school. He frequently had bad dreams and also, because of his talents, he went into a fight with Bonzo, which caused to death. The whole pressure that he got from the school was just too much for him. While Ender was frustrated with his whole life where he HAS to be 'the one', he also enjoyed the battle that he had with other groups in the battle room. And you could see the mood of tense in the battle room. In everyone's mind who were playing the battle thought about 'winning'. There couldn't be any mistakes done or happen, you got to freeze other players, and most importantly, you had to win; therefore, it is impossible to not see the tension between the players and commanders. Unlikely with the book, "Faherenheit 451", "Ender's Game" had a slightly different mood for each chapters for something interesting and unpredictable things happened. However, "Faherenheit 451" had just one simple mood such as depressing, gloomy, and sad..which makes me think that "Ender's Game" more sepcial and fun!
Hi Stacy:)
It's funny that we both compared F451 and Ender's Game but you liked Ender's Game more and I liked F451 more =p
I agree with that the mood is depressed, frustrated, and tensed. But also, I think loneliness is one of the other mood that is very important in this book because loneliness that Ender feel, the whole book becomes depressed and sad.
Anyways.. good job!:)
I agree with you totally. The mood is different from Faerenheit but is definitely sad. I like Ender's Game better too because it was even though it was depressing it was exciting at the same time. I feel bad for Ender because he was just a little boy when these insane adults took over his life and made him a tool. He felt so unloved and unwanted :( I'm glad, though, that he didn't go crazy at the end but came back to normal. This books was so much better than F451 :D Good work on ur blog too!
Hi again kkkk
I agree that the mood is depressing and sad. When I compare the mood with F451 it's actually both sad and depressing. But this book has like more ups and downs unlike F451. F451 is like a straight line. I felt happy every time he won the battle game. However Ender wasn't happy at all. At the last game he was so tired and exusted. Anyways Gooooood Job<3
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