Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Entry #2: Sphinx

Entry #2: Greek Monsters- Sphinx

The name of Sphinx means the 'strangler', a female moster. Sphinx is a greek monster that has head of woman, the shape of paws, claws, and breasts of lion, and the serpent's tail with eagle wings. The myth of the Sphinx was that Sphinx's role was guarding the entrance to a specific area such as Greek city of Thebes and ask riddle to travelers. If the travelers do not answer the riddle correctly, Sphinx will kill the travelers. In the other hand, if the travelers answers it in correct form, they are allowed to pass the entrance. The riddle that Sphinx will ask travelers would be "what is it that crawls on all fours as a baby, then walks on two feet as an adult, and wlaks with a cane in old age." All the travelers suffered death for they weren't able to solve the riddle until Oedipus. Oedipus was the only man who answered it correctly and because Sphinx got shocked that Oedipus acutually solved the riddle, Sphinx threw herself from the high rock and died. However, there are the sculptures of Sphinx in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece.
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