Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Entry #3: Venus(Aphrodite)

Entry #3: What qualities would you like to have as a Greek god or goddess?-Venus(Aphrodite)
I will like to have the qualities that Aphrodite has who is the goddess of beuty of love. The reason why I would like to have the qualities that Aphrodite has is because the qualities that Aphrodite has is 'beuty.' Because Aphrodite is naturally pretty and attractive, she won't be struggling with her out look. Even Zeus first saw Aphrodite, he was attarcted to her. If I were Aphrodite, I could have the beuty like Aphrodite has. Imagine all people falling in love with me^^, of course, I will have a difficultly but I think it will be really fun and stimulating. It's like being the most prettiest woman in the whole wide world!! Not only me, I bet entire woman in the earth wants to be as pretty as they can be and if I could just have the qulities that Aphrodite has, I won't have to be worrying about my out look appearance. Although I want Aphrodite's beuty, I wouldn't really want to have the kind of personality that she has-such as being jealous with other girls, eventhough you are the most prettiest person from the whole world.

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