Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Passage

*Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Wht is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

The passage: <.....Then she seemed to remember something and came back to look at him with wonder and curiosity. "Are you happy?" she said. "Am I what?" he cried. But she was gone-running in the moonlight. Her front door shut gently. "Happy! Of all the nonsense." He stopped laughing. He put his hand into the glove hole of his front door and let it know his touch. The front door slid open. Of course I'm happy. What does she think? I'm not? he asked the quiet rooms. He stood looking up at the ventilator grille in the hall and suddenly remembered that something lay hidden behind the grille, something that seemed to peer down at him now. He moved his eyes quickly away.>-page. 10

This passage is when Montag and Clarrise meets for their frist time. As Clarrise goes back to her home, she asks if Montag is happy. This passage that I have chosen was significant to me. It's not only that it was significant, I liked the way how the passage was written and how the story continued and all those stuff. In this book, the best part I think was when Montag met Clarisse. It was the most interesting part that I read and that is why I have chosen this passage. From the whole conversation between Montag and Clarisse, I chose this part because it talked about the true meaning of "happiness." Montag never realized that he wasn't acutually happy before meeting this special girl Clarisse but this was the time when Montag acutually really asked himself if he was. Like Montag, I never thought if I was happy right now. However, by reading this part, it made me also think if I am happy and glad of my situation right now-yes, I am. Compared to Montag's situation I should be happy. I am happy that I have God that I can rely on, family, friends, and including teachers. Not only this passage made me think about myself, I just liked the way how Montag talked to himself and questioning. When I saw others postings, I found out that most of the people who read this book didn't like Ray Bradbury's style. But not me, it is true that this book was quite boring, but I just liked the style of Ray Bradbury's because it made me curious about the book as I keep read it through and I don't's just that this book made me become interested into this book!!

1 comment:

Jane Lee said...

heyy, I love this passage too! It's so peculiar, awkward, interesting, and cute at the same time. I kind of like Clarisse after reading this passage :). Nice explanation of this passage. I liked how you wrote about the connection between you and Montag. It clearly shows more of your feelings. And, hey I liked this book too! I could understand how people didn't like it because it was scientific, technological, and weird. BUT, I really liked how it made me more and more curious. It was quite exciting that I eventually became to like this book hehe.