Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Climax

*What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

I am not sure of where exactly the climax is but I think it is the part when Montag finally realizes that the way how the world is going on in his world is totally wrong; therefore, I think the climax is when Montag is chased over from the people. Because Montag realizes that it is just not right of how people are not allow to think or read, he turn upon his world. As Montag tries to get closer to books and keeps questioning himself, Captain Beatty decides to stop Montag. The news of Montag spreads all over the world which causes everybody search for Montag to arrest him. This is the part when I felt very nervous and excited for it was a dangerous sitation for Montag. It also made me to think this part as one scene of a movie like all the lights from the helicopters are finding for Montag and Montag running with bag on his back to save his life. I wondered what would happen to Montag when he was getting chased and when I found out that Montag went to a forest where he found people like him, I was quite dissapointed. I was dissapointed because I hoped something interesting and different thing to happen to Montag but when I found that the book ended by Montag going to the forest, I felt quite bored. Anyways, I liked the climax part of this book (wherever it is,) for I could imagine in my head!


Ariel Cho said...

Your entry reflects the similar thoughts of mine! :) I thought that the climax was when Guy Montag killed Beatty..
I thought the story was beginning to be exciting, because Guy Montag was being chased by many people, but the story went kind of boring when Guy met the people who are the 'thinkers,' and relieves that he met the same kind of people..
Well, I liked your entry!:)

Anonymous said...

Same as Ariel. For me, the climax was when Guy Montag kills Beatty, and run away ^^. It was pretty exiting to read it, because I didn't like Beatty's character.